Tuesday, February 26, 2019

100 WC Sharp Vinegar by Remi

Hello everybody, and welcome back to Cooking with the Cuille’s. [wait for applause] Today i’m making my best salad, since that’s the only thing I now how to make besides cold cereal. [laughs] First off, take your base of lettuce, and throw it into a bowl. [Actually throw lettuce at bowl] [laughs] Now, take some tomatoes and dice them up. [make pair of dice from the tomatoes] [laughs] Now, for the key ingredient, the vinegar. You want to take your vinegar, and… OOPS! [spills vinegar on knife] Well… [holds up knife] this vinegar is too sharp! [fade away with applause]

Thursday, February 21, 2019

100 Word Challenge-The Story of Ted D. Bear by Remi

This is the story of me, Ted D. Bear. I’m sad. I was dropped by my friend, Jimothyette. I am worried that I won’t be found by Jimothyette. I’m also worried about shoes. Shoes didn’t use to scare me. Before, I didn’t have to worry about shoes because I wasn’t close to being stepped on. I’m also worried about this. Jimothyette's father told us that a man developed short-term memory loss because he wasn’t in contact with humans for to long. I hope that doesn’t happen to me.I miss Jimothyette...This is the story of me, Ted D. Bear...